Scrape products lists :magnet: from Online Shopping Stores like Flipkart Amazon NewEgg
Web Scraping Scripts for
- Specific Pages on Flipkart to get for each product th below OUTPUT
- Rating
- Number of Reviews
- Price
- Old / Original Price
- Discount %
- Link to the product
- Interactively provide the below INPUT
- Flipkart Product Category Page URL (Example - Headphones)
- Number of pages to scrape
- Category / Type of Product [to append to output CSV filename]
- path to save output files and get output as in above script
Scripts - Specific Pages /scripts/ /scripts/ /scripts/
Scripts - Inteactive Pages /scripts/ /scripts/
- Search any product on Flipkart
- Search any product on Amazon
Search any product on NewEgg
- Get personalized ratings on products to get the best quality and best value product from these Online Shopping Sites
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